Sunday, March 29, 2020

API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspector Exam Questions & Answers

Greetings from apiXams!

We have collected API 510 Pressure Vessels Inspector's Examination information, Study Materials, Various organization's preparatory course materials, Question Banks and answers from many sources and archived as a single RAR file.

The following documents are available in this archive
  1. Examination information includes;
    1. Publication Effectivity Sheets - it contents the details of codes and standards shall be studied for this exam
    2. Body of knowledge - it describes detailly about the required knowledge of the candidate in all aspect
    3. The examination schedule and fees detail for the year 2020
    4. Complete detailed instructions about CBT - Computer-Based Testing
    5. Tutorial about the CBT usage
    6. Reference document for the pre-test questions
  2. Preparatory Course Documents
    1. Haward Technology Material
    2. Kuwait Petroleum Training Material
    3. and many more
  3. Question Banks which contents approximately 1000 with answers
  4. Code wise Mock-up Test
  5. Code reference provided for maximum questions
All the above archived as a single RAR file about 100 megabytes. It's hard work to collect and archive and we need financial support to maintain the cloud storage. So we set a small amount to download the archive. Please support us by paying the small amount. Your download will start automatically, additionally, you will receive an automated email that contents the download link. It will work only 24 hours, so download as soon as possible.

If you face any issues or clarifications, please contact us at

Note: If you read these documents, it will increase your chances to succeed your examination, but remember these are not your actual API exam questions.

Tags: API 510 Question & Answer, API 510 Sample Question, API 510, API 510 Question Bank, API 510 MOCKUP Test, Pressure Vessel Inspector,  API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspector


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