1. A PQR was qualified in 5G position using a new welder. But production welding is to be done by the same welder in 2G position. Which of the following are applicable as a minimum.
A. Both procedure and welder shall be re-qualified in 2G position.
B. The qualified procedure can be used ,only welder needs to be re-qualified in 2G position
C. The welder is qualified, but the procedure needs re-qualification
D. Both procedure and welder need not be re-qualified.
2. A procedure is required with preheat temp = 250ºF. Two WPS were made based on this PQR. All other parameters being same WPS (A) showed preheat temp = 280ºF and WPS (B) showed preheat temp = 145ºF, will you,
A. Reject (A) & (B)
B. Accept (A) only
C. Accept (B) only
D. Accept both
3. In a certain PQR for SMAW, the electrodes used for all passes were of AWS classification (E 7018). Corresponding WPS also showed filler materials as E 7018. Now the manufacturer proposes to change the filler material in WPS to E 7015. Will you ask manufacturer to:
A. Qualify new PQR with E 7015 electrodes.
B. Revise only WPS showing the change from E 7018 to E 7015 and submit WPS as a new revision.
C. Revise only the PQR document showing the change and resubmit for approval.
D. Revise both WPS and PQR showing the change and resubmit for approval.
4. A PQR in GTAW process was qualified with PWHT with A 516 grade 70 materials, ¾ inch thick. The thickness for production welds is 1.0 inch, but without PWHT. Manufacturer claims that same PQR will be O.K. What is your assessment?
A. It qualifies required conditions hence no new PQR is required
B. It qualifies thickness but not It does not qualify “no pwht” condition, hence new PQR is required.
C. It qualifies “no pwht” condition, but not thickness. New PQR is required.
D. It does not qualify both thickness and “no pwht” condition, hence new PQR is required.
5. For 515 gr 60 material, following results were obtained for two tensile test specimen in PQR qualification.
• Specimen T1 : failed in B.M. at 57,400 psi
• Specimen T2 : failed in weld metal, at 59,500 psi
Your assessment is
A. PQR test is ok since both are within acceptance criteria
B. PQR test is rejected as both T1 and T2 are not within acceptance criteria
C. PQR is rejected because T1 is ok but T2 has failed
D. PQR is rejected because T1 is failed although T2 is ok
6. A procedure is qualified with Base metal thickness = 20mm. Two WPS were made based on this PQR. Other parameters being same, WPS (A) showed Base metal thickness = 38 mm and WPS (B) showed B. M. thickness is 6mm. What will you do?
A. Reject (A) & (B)
B. Accept (A) only
C. Accept (B) only
D. Accept both
7. Calculate estimated inspection period for external and internal inspection for a vessel whose remaining life is estimated as 12 years.
A. Internal = 6 years, external = 10 years
B. Internal = 6 years, external = 5 years
C. Internal = 5 years, external = 10 years
D. None of the above
8. A 2.0 inch thick vessel data-sheet shows MDMT= 50 deg. F. The minimum pressure-test temperature for Hydro test to be carried out after alteration shall be:
A. 70 deg F
B. 80 deg. F
C. 60 deg. F
D. None of above.
9. For vessel 1.0 inch thick, MDMT specified was +20ºF and material of Construction used was SA 515 Gr 60, A insert type patch repair is proposed to be carried out. Based on code requirements, will you specify impact testing of repair plate. After repairs, vessel will be hydro-tested but not stress relieved. Vessel does nor undergoes temperature / pressure fluctuations or cyclic loading during service.
A. Specify impact testing.
B. Impact testing need not be specified
C. Specify impact testing if API 510 inspector feels it is necessary.
D. Specify impact testing if Pressure vessel engineer feels it is necessary.